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Campus Safety

Be Safe, Be Responsible!





The cafeteria serves regular hot lunches as well as a la carte items free of charge. Students should eat their breakfasts and lunches at the designated times to maintain their energy for the rest of the day. We encourage students to show pride in their school by helping to keep the campus clean. The following rules are enforced:

  1. All food and drinks are to remain in the designated eating area.
  2. Giving or saving places on the lunch line is not permitted. Students may buy only one lunch at a time.
  3. Food and drinks are not permitted on the blacktop or Athletic Field. Students may not loiter in the lunchroom when they are finished eating.
  4. Running is permitted only on the blacktop or Athletic Field, which are open 10 minutes after the start of lunch for organized and supervised games.

Failure to follow the above rules may result in a cleanup detention or community service.

Open Areas During Lunch

The blacktop is open for students 10 minutes after the start of lunch. For safety reasons, students are not to bring food or drink to the blacktop or field. The field is open only for students playing an organized, supervised game.

Campus Supervision

Campus supervision starts 30 minutes before school begins and ends 15 minutes after school is dismissed. Breakfast is served at 7:30am for students that participate.

Students are not to be on campus before or after these times unless they are under direct adult supervision. Students must stay away from other school campuses during school hours. Violators will be reported and will face disciplinary action.

Closed Campus

Oak Grove Middle School maintains a closed campus. No student may leave the school grounds during school without first obtaining a written permit from the Attendance Office. Once on the campus in the morning, students MUST remain on campus. Visitors from other schools are not permitted unless approved by an administrator.

Parents are encouraged to visit their student's classes. Please let us know 24 hours in advance if you are planning to visit a classroom, and check in at the main office to obtain a visitor's badge.

Bikes, Boards, Blades and Scooters

Bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, and scooters MAY NOT be ridden on school grounds.

Skateboards, rollerblades, and scooters are not allowed at school, as there is no place to secure them.

Bicycles must be parked and locked with your own lock in the bike rack.

Students should wear a helmet and ride bicycles responsibly.

The school cannot be responsible for lost or damaged items. Students should not be storing them in classrooms or carrying them around school.

Emergency Cards

Every student must have an emergency card on file.

Emergency cards are used to contact a parent/guardian in the event of an emergency. There must be at least three numbers on the emergency card to contact. The parent/guardian must sign these cards. If you move, get a new home or work phone number, please give it to the office so we can keep information updated.

First Aid

The Oak Grove Middle School office can only offer ice, soap, and bandages for suddenly ill or injured students. It is IMPERATIVE that we are able to contact someone to pick up your child in case of emergency or if he/she becomes ill at school. We do not have the facilities to accommodate sick children in the office. Please do not send your child to school if he/she is ill.

Medication at School

If your student has a chronic, on-going medical condition requiring medication at school, you must have the district form filled out by your student’s doctor. This form must be signed by the Principal and remain on file in the office for the school year. Your student’s medicine must be in the original container with the prescription label on the outside with the student’s and doctor’s names, the name of the medication and the dosage. The school is not able to dispense medication unless medical authorization is provided.

Please request a medical authorization form at the main office.

Safety Drills

Law requires safety drills. Exit routes are posted in each classroom. When the signal is given, everyone promptly and quietly exits by the assigned route. When the “all-clear” is sounded, everyone promptly and quietly returns to his or her assigned classroom. Talking is not permitted during the drills. Fire drills are held monthly, Earthquake drills, twice a year (students are to “duck and cover”) and Intruder drills, twice a year (students are to remain in the classroom with doors locked until “all clear” is sounded). Teachers will teach and review ALL drill instructions/procedures with students.

Telephone/Cellphone and Electronic Devices

Office telephones can only be used by students in case of illness or emergency.

During school hours, cell phones/electronic devices must be turned off and kept in a backpack. If they are visible, they will be confiscated and turned into the office. Students may pick-up cell phones/electronic devices at the end of the school day.  Any further violations will subject the student to the District’s progressive discipline as set forth in Board AR 5144.1

Oak Grove Middle School is not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones/electronic devices.


Please do not bring valuable items or large amounts of money to school. Students are responsible for all personal possessions. Never leave your property unattended. If you think bringing a certain item to school will cause a problem, it probably will. Leave those things at home!