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Cell Phone Policy

cell phone

Common Sense Media English

Common Sense Media Espanol

cell phone

Cell Phone Rules

Cell phones must be OFF/silent and in your backpacks from 8:00 AM to 2:18 PM. Cell phones cannot be in your pocket -- they must be kept in your backpack. 

During the school day, we want parents/guardians to call the office if they have an emergency. If students need to call a parent/guardian, they must go to the office to use the school phone and are not to use personal cell phones, unless permitted by staff.

Students who violate the board policy will have the cell phone/electronic device confiscated by school personnel.



Per the MDUSD Governing Board Policy 5131 (e) and Administrative Rule 5131 (e) Possession of Cellular Phones and Other Personal Electronic Signaling Devices, students may have cell phones on campus. We know that students carry cell phones because parents want them to call when they are on their way home from school. While students are allowed to carry cell phones, certain guidelines are in place.  Cell phones and electronic devices are not to be seen, heard or used at any time during the school day (including brunch/lunch) unless prior permission is given by teacher/staff member. During the school day, we want parents/guardians to call the office if they have an emergency. If students need to call a parent/guardian, they must go to the office to use the school phone and are not to use personal cell phones, unless permitted by staff. Students who violate the above board policy will have the cell phone/electronic device confiscated by school personnel. 

Oak Grove Policy

Disciplinary Action:


1st Offense: Phone or any electronic device (earbuds, airpods) will be confiscated and turned in at the main office, and device will be returned at the end of the day

2nd Offense: Phone or any electronic device (earbuds, airpods) will be confiscated then turned in at the main office, any device will be returned at the end of the day. Refer to administrator  and parent call. Noted in the school record

3th Offense: Same as 2nd offense and mandatory parent meeting. Noted in school record.